Our Work
Fruit Box Project
The Fruit Box Program addresses a complex problem. Some students come to school without having eaten breakfast, or without the means to have a healthy lunch.
Thanks to a partnership with the Astoria Co-op, who provide fresh, seasonal organic fruit to North Coast Food Web at wholesale cost, and to a generous donation from a local supporter, the Fruit Box Project took off in 2013.
Read more about the Fruit Box Project in a story published in the Astoria Co-op newsletter: Fruit Box Project.
We are now in 5 schools around the county, providing a healthy snack for those who would enjoy one.
June 2020 Update: Due to COVID-19 impact on schools, we were not able to deliver fruit to students as of April 2020. We hope to resume this program when we are able to deliver to schools again.

Small Farms Market Day
We help local farmers and food producers sell their goods to support our local food economy. Local farmers, foragers, ranchers, fishers, and food producers can sell their products at Small Farms Market Day.
Customers can order weekly ONLINE!
Order Sunday-Tuesday, and pick up products on Thursday 3-6pm.
Our in-person market is suspended due to COVID-19, so make sure to check out the online site for all of your favorite vendors. We have over 30 vendors selling all kinds of locally produced foods.
During the main growing season, farmers also use the space as a pick-up location for CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) members. 2020 CSAs: Spring Up Farm, Glory B Farm, and Forage & Farm.

Farm Guide
In 2017, we published the North Coast Food Guide which included detailed information about twelve North Coast farmers markets and over sixty local food producers.
Our 2019 Farm & Market Guide for the Columbia Pacific Region is now available with information about producers, farmer's markets, and farm stands in Clatsop & Pacific counties of Oregon and Washington.
If you’re a producer (defined as a local business that’s primary activities are related to fishing, farming, ranching or foraging) and would like to be included in our guide, or if you would like a stack of farm guides available at your market or business, please contact us!
June 2020 update: In light of COVID-19, we decided not to publish a printed guide this year. We do have a webpage dedicated to ways customers can buy local food from farmers.

Education & Outreach
Staying involved in the community ensures us that people of all ages are learning about local food in the pacific northwest, where to find it and who is making it. Through educational events and engagement in our kitchen, we strive for developing knowledge and community connection.